Today we caught the bus into Perth to see a bit of the city and King’s Park. What struck us most about the city is how the new buildings are interspersed with the old. I say old……… nothing is really old here, but by comparison….. as you will see in the photos here. The Kings Park is a botanical garden / park where they are in particular looking at indigenous planting and the preservation of endangered species. The fountains were most entertaining. We went down to the waterside for a pub lunch. We then had to rush home so we could Skype Iona before she went to work. 7am UK = 3pm WA. Later tonight we are going out for a meal. A bit of Pomme humour for the techy gadget owners out there...... here View full screen if possible.
Did you realise that this is the "date" joke we kept laughing at over Christmas??? Great minds eh!